Airx 17 truly erase foul odors and freshen the air, and they do so for weeks. They are not just perfume, and do not just mask foul odours with a stronger odour. They contain AIRICIDE (the proprietary odor counteractant in all Airx products), that erases bad odors by merging with odorous in the air to change their size and shape – causing the olfactory nerve to perceive the odor as different, and more pleasant than it would have been. The AIRICIDE is encapsulated in millions of microscopic size cells for steady release. The capsules will not spill as will liquids, nor will they shrink or skim over to reduce effectiveness as do gels and they need no cabinets.
Đặt mua Airx 17 Stick-Up Deodorizers, 12/Box

Airx 17 Stick-Up Deodorizers, 12/Box
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