AirX 22 is an instant action odour counteractant that eases foul odours in institutional, industrial and commercial situations. With AIRICIDE® odour counteractant it is designed to change the size and shape of odourous molecules so they are not recognized as the bad odours they would have been. Then, AirX 22 leaves a pleasant residual aroma to freshen articles on which it is used. ¶¶As a space deodourizer, AirX 22 is superior for spray or fog applications because it travels quickly to every remote part of a room, but has lasting effectiveness. It is excellent as a deodourizer for carpets, draperies, upholstery, bedding, clothing, etc. It is long-lasting, non-flammable, non-staining and safe for use on colorfast textiles.¶¶3.78L jugs, case of 6.
Đặt mua AirX 22 Space Spray & Odour Counteractant

AirX 22 Space Spray & Odour Counteractant
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