Wave 3D Urinal Screen Deodorizer offer an effective means of odor control in between restroom cleaning. Urinal screens fit over the drain and release fragrances. Some have fragrances infused into the plastic, and others hold the deodorizer block inside the plastic screen. They also prevent the urinal blocks from falling down into the drain when they dissolve to a small size.¶¶· Pull off the date tabs upon installation to remind you when to change the air freshener¶· Includes one “Screen Saver” bag per box to store the spare screen until needed¶· Freshens Urinal a full 30 Days; twice as much as the competitors¶· Releases billions of optimized bacteria that clean the urinal and eliminate odours¶· Cuts cleaning time by up to 50% while saving money¶· Complies with VOC Requirements
Đặt mua Wave 3D Urinal Screen Deodorizer

Wave 3D Urinal Screen Deodorizer
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